My child is enrolled in Keyboard Games. Why isn't s/he playing music that I can recognise?

Learning music is like learning to speak. It takes years before a child speaks in complete sentences and in paragraphs (music that you can recognise). They usually start with blabber and individual words and then phrases which is the music learnt in the Keyboard Games course. 

To play music that you can recognise especially in the first few years of lessons is to expect the child to speak in complete sentences in their formative years which is not realistic and does not mirror how the natural learning of music is.

Be patient. The curriculum of Keyboard Games is underpinned by Edwin Gordon, a revolutionary music professor who researched extensively on how children learns music. Your child will be able to "speak" recognisable music with time.

Lesson material

Students will be sent the lesson material for the term and need to print out the lesson material. Where book(s) need to be purchased, the student/parent will be informed.

Note reading

It is highly recommended for students with ipads to learn to read music using Piano Maestro

Music exams

Due to requests from parents, I have decided to provide the option for students to enroll in piano practical exams. Here are Celbridge Piano policies regarding music exams:

The student will need to sign up for at least 3 additional one-to-one exam preparation lessons before enrolling for the exam. Extra fees are payable and in addition to the regular 2-4 student classes. A student will then be advised whether they are ready for an exam.- 

A student can prepare for a piano practical exam under the MTB (Music Teacher Board). We do not prepare students for other examination boards e.g. ABRSM and RIAM. 

For preparatory (introductory) level to grade 4 exams, you must be at least 2 grades above the exam grade. For example, you need to be currently studying for grade 3 before you can attempt grade 1. If you are currently studying grade 1, you can attempt the preparatory (introductory) exam.

For grade 5 and above exams, you must be at least 1 grade above the exam grade. For example, you need to be currently studying for grade 6 before you can attempt grade 5.