Keyboard Games
A Group Keyboard Course for Ages 4-7
What is Keyboard Games?
Every class includes playful activities that will support each child on their own musical path. Students learn music and piano similar to how a child learns a language - by listening first, imitating and then expressing themselves before they learn to read. Each class has 2 to 4 students and last 30 minutes.
This course is based on audiation approach which was researched by Dr. Edwin E. Gordon. Put simply, the audiation approach focuses on learning music like how a child learns a language. The child starts off by listening first, thinking, speaking and then read and write. A child is able to express his own thoughts using language. Conversely, the traditional way of learning music is to get a child to read first before speaking and almost all children are never taught how to think and speak their own musical thoughts. Typically under an audiation approach, a child formally starts note reading and writing around 11 years old.
For parents or guardians who would like to read more about the teaching method, go here (this will be a tough read for most people as it goes into the teaching philosophy and how a student learns)
What happens during a Keyboard Games class?
Each class is packed with carefully planned activities to support your child’s music journey, including playing the piano, creating their own tunes on the piano, singing, chanting, and moving to music.
There are 2 levels to Keyboard Games - A and B. Each student spends a year in each level. After completing Keyboard Games B, a student can move on to Music Moves for Piano 1 or Piano Grades by Ear.
It is okay for a child especially 4-5 years old not to be able to move/sing/move exactly as how the teacher demonstrates it during class. The teacher may not necessarily correct the child unless he gets it 100% correct. It is like when a child starts to speak, you do not insist on correcting the child so that he speaks correctly at all times. Instead, you express joy and excitement when the child expresses himself and know that he will speak "correctly" over time, albeit with some corrections.
What you need for this course
Each student must have access to a keyboard or piano. It is highly recommended that a student spends 5 to 15 mins daily on practice.