Piano Grades by Ear

This course is being gradually phased out from 2024 autumn. Although Joseph prefers the MTB syllabus over other examination boards, Joseph believes that the curriculum of exam grades is not consistent with his teaching philosophy and beliefs.

New students from 2024 autumn are placed in the Village Musician Course, Keyboard Games or Music Moves for Piano (new course to be announced). 

A Group Piano Course for Ages 7 onwards

Piano Grades by Ear is course designed by Joseph Hong where each student is taken through the piano grades with an important difference: they learn mainly by ear. In traditional piano lessons, the focus in every lesson is to read notes.

From Joseph's years of teaching experience and stories from others who dropped out of piano or stopped playing, it is found that students have more fun and enjoyment when they play piano by ear. Although the emphasis is on playing by ear, students are also taught how to read notes over time.

Each class has 2 to 4 students and lasts 30 to 45 mins depending on the number of students in a class.  

Each class include activities to develop listening skills, technical skills (e.g. scales and arpeggios) on the piano to enable students to play fluently, tunes, and note reading activities.

Piano Grades by Ear follows the Music Teachers Board (MTB) piano syllabus. There are 10 levels in total: pre-grade Introductory (grade A), pre-grade higher introductory (grade B) and grades 1 to 8.

Why choose the Piano Grades by Ear Course?

Note: Piano Grades by Ear students can move to the Village Musician Course. However, a student in the piano grades do not acquire the skills in the Village Musician Course and will therefore need to start at the first level albeit possibly progress at a faster rate.