Practice Tips

How to practise for a concert

Performing or playing for others is different from playing during lessons. It is a separate skill that needs to be practised to be good at it. Which is why you can play brilliant for yourself or during lessons and yet play less than optimal when you play for others. 

Practise full run-throughs once a day for at least 7 days where possible.

1. Practise Full Run-Throughs

2. Post-Practice Reflection and Refine Trouble Spots Separately

3. The day before and the day itself

Other tips

1. Work on Nerves and Focus

2. Prepare Mentally

Pick any one tip and try just that tip for a week, weeks or a month. It takes time for an idea to take root and grow.

Tips for parents

Make it easy for the child to spend time at the piano e.g.

Make it fun for the child to spend time at the piano e.g. 

Help your child to learn at the piano e.g.

What to practice? 

work on the following in this order:

Tips on tricky sections

Marie: I find that if I walk away from a piece I’m finding tricky it’s easier when I go back to it, later that day or even the next day. Going over & over a piece that I’m not enjoying doesn’t work for me. I always take a break, even after 10 minutes, & try again when I’m ready.

Niki: focus on the difficult parts/section first.

Abigail: repeat 7 gazillion times a day

Joseph: record yourself on a video / sound recorder using a smart phone and replay yourself.

Tips to play fluently

Danny: memorise music to play fluently

Tips on motivation

Various parents: have a chat with the teacher if your child is losing interest in piano and be patient


How long to practise?

How you practise is MUCH more important than how long you practise. For example, you could practise a piece incorrectly for an hour and still play it incorrectly.

Of course, the duration of practice will make a difference if a student has catching up to do, is practising for a performance / exam, is very unfamiliar with the material being learnt, or is at an intermediate / advanced level of playing, etc.

In spite of the above, a lot of students and parents nevertheless prefer a duration based approach to practising. Here is a suggested minimum amount of accurate daily practice time 

You can go to the piano several times a day. If a student struggles even with 1 minute of practice daily and is at e.g. grade 1, start with 1 minute for a few days / a week before increasing it to e.g. 2 minutes a day. Make your practice goal so easy and enjoyable that you are motivated to continue with it, instead of despairing at an insurmountable task.